
WiFi Max for PSP - just don't call it a router

wifi max

We figure the only reason the folks behind the WiFi Max are marketing their device — a USB-based WiFi access point — to PSP users is the assumption that they may be less technically sophisticated, and therefore more willing to spend $53 on a device that does less than routers that go for half the price. According to the marketing material, it’s plug-and-play — “Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point” — but there doesn’t seem to be much info about what kind of security or other capabilities you get on the access point you’ve just created. Sure, we could see using this to create an on-the-fly access point to, say, connect a laptop to a PSP or PDA via WiFi. But, for most purposes, it sounds like you’d probably be better off getting a full-scale router (or just using the one you probably already have) if you really want to take your PSP online.