
Danby Countertop Dishwasher

countertop dishwasher

One of the downsides of city living is the material sacrifices one must make in order to squeeze into a tiny apartment. Besides the noticable absence of washer/dryers and hot tubs, many apartments lack even the most basic of neccessities — the dishwasher — forcing innocent people to slave over soiled plates like prisoners when they really should be digesting and watching TV with their hands down their pants. Well for a mere $150, you can free your rinsin’ and scrubbin’ friends from brillo pad slavery with the Danby Countertop Dishwasher, a microwave-size appliance that sits on the counter or under the sink and hooks up to a faucet via the included hose. Not so much suitable for large dinner parties or frat houses, the 4-setting Danby would nonetheless make a welcome addition to singles or couples who accumulate regular, small loads of dishes. As for us, we’ve already purchased one for the Engadget yacht, and its quick turnaround time has helped us raise our daquiri consumption considerably during southbound trips out of our wintry climes. Definitely a holiday must-have for the lazy of dishwashing.