
Watch movies on your phones… while they're still in the theater

Memoirs of a Geisha

We have a feeling the ruling won’t be setting international precedent or anything, but cell carrier Hutchison (aka 3 in other parts of Europe) won the right in Italy to legally air films acquired from Eagle Pictures after a meager ten day release window — meaning if you’re an Italian Hutchison 3G customer, you could realistically and legitimately watch Memoirs of a Geisha on your phone as early as December 27th. It kind of disrupts what we’ve all come to know as the natural order of film releases, sure, and smacks a bit of Steven Soderbergh’s current simultaneous cable TV, DVD, and theatrical release of Bubble, but it’s certainly by no means free content: you have to pay Hutchison about $10.50 a week for the privilege of unlimited viewing of firstrun movies on your phone. And, of course, you have to put up with watching a feature length film on a cellphone screen. So we’re not suggesting you do it, just that now, in some parts of the world you can.

[Via Cinematical]