
Mac fans reading tea leaves for news of Intel laptops

Apple iBooks

Since the lawyers have put the fear of Steve into potential leakers at Apple, Mac rumor sites have had to resort to wild bouts of speculation in order to satisfy their need for gossip about Apple’s impending release of Intel-powered computers. The latest to get the crystal-ball treatment: a school district in North Carolina, where officials just decided to pick up a slew of iBooks “before the company announces its new product lines Jan. 9, 2006.” MacDailyNews picked up on the story, and interpreted it as meaning that school-board “officials were told by their Apple rep(s) that new Intel-based iBooks were coming at Macworld,” and that it would be cheaper and more effective to upgrade now. Our take: sure, the rep may have said that. But reps say a lot of things. Sounds more like a hungry salesdude wanting to meet his year-end quota and unload some excess inventory in the process. Apple may still announce its Intel-books in January. But we somehow don’t think the good folks at the Greene County School System are sitting on a scoop — they’ve just got a pile of old laptops that they’re upgrading thanks to a salesman who knows how to play the FUD card.

[Thanks, John]