
Hitachi claims the Microdrive is "A Girl's Best Friend"

Okay, try to follow along here: the Consumer Electronics Association did a study wherein around 1,600 men and women were surveyed in order to find out what "What Women Want" when it comes to electronics (note: please save that totally obvious joke for less wholesome comment threads than ours). The results were analyzed by a panel of so-called industry experts, who then arbitrarily picked products that they felt "best matched women's desires" in eight different categories. For the "digital imaging" category, the 6GB Hitachi Microdrive 3K6 emerged as victorious, which has lead Hitachi to declare that the mini hard drives are "A Girl's Best Friend" (after having already annointed them, ahem, the new "bling" ), even though these drives are more likely to be found capturing pictures in a war zone than snapping shots of "that hot guy" in the club. Nonetheless, the 3K6 will be featured at CEA's "Technology is a Girl's Best Friend" CES product showcase, where we'll be first in line to see this small piece of plastic in its display case. So please, can our five female readers help us out on this one and let us know if Hitachi is preaching the gospel or just spinning its platters?