
Don't drink and WoW

As people recover from the New Year festivities, a variety of reports are coming in: from the hilarious (drunk naked raids on the Crossroads and Astranaar) to the harrowing (intoxicated players disenchanting all their clothing). What did you get up to on New Year's Eve? Did the in-game events entice you into WoW?

I took part in the European festivities--as the first New Year event, we had plenty to celebrate, and it was great seeing tauren and night elves dancing in harmony in Booty Bay on a PvE server. Hopping over to a PvP server, it was a different picture, with snoozing bruisers turning a blind eye to combat. A word of warning--if drunk friends want a demonstration of WoW, steer clear of the in-game alcohol, as the blurring effect is all too realistic and can make them feel rather nauseous!