
A Day on a PC running Windows

Happy Mac

Subtitle: I feel dirty.

So today, the wireless was dead. All day, and with no cable or good spot for me to plug in my Powerbook. So, I used one of the many Dells available where I work. I'm running Firefox for the browser (so not too foreign) and Trillian for the chat. Gmail for email in Firefox, and RSS feed reading in Bloglines. Not horrible. Just trying to ignore the Windows bar and Start icon at the bottom. I even downloaded and tried Google's GTalk client. Pretty cool. I like it. Too bad they haven't bothered to code one for Mac yet. The situation is workable, but...

I hate it. There's no Expose, which I keep trying to call up. There's no Spotlight. The Dell's keyboard doesn't have the nice solid feeling of my PowerBook's keys. I just don't like it, and I cannot believe that Russell switched back although I think that it is hilarious that Yahoo! launched Yahoo! Go! featuring a 12-inch PowerBook as the PC. *sigh* I love Mac-using graphics departments, and companies that greenlight things like this without realizing what they've done. It even has a Windows screen pasted in. So funny.