
New Intel Macs are first with a new chip but not a new design

In the "random observation" category, I noticed something about the new Dual Core Macs that is a break from Apple's traditional practices: they're the first Macs, at least in the last five years or more, to receive a completely new chip (from a completely different company, no doubt) and yet not receive a redesign. The PowerBooks had one with the G4, the PowerMacs with the G5 and the iMac when it too went G5.

But not this time around. From all the photographs, it seems as though both machines have retained their previous form - and no, an iSight at the top of the MacBook Pro (does anyone like that name yet?) doesn't count. I'm not saying I was hoping for a redesign - I think the present forms of these machines are at the top of their game. But with a move as huge as Intel, I was half expecting at least something.