
HD movies two months after theaters

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You can't fight it Hollywood: folks want their first run high-def movies and they want to view them in the comfort of their own theater. We chatted with Mark Cuban last year on the whole "release in theaters and DVD and TV" concept; looks like Fox was listening. The COO of News. Corp, Peter Chernin, indicates that Fox is working on a 60-day plan: 20th Century Fox movies hit HD releases within 60 days of the theater release. Oh, how 21st century of them!

We haven't seen a movie in the theater since "E.T." (the original, mind you), so after spending mucho dollars on high-def equipment for the home, we're all over this. Granted, we need some HD-DVD or Blu-Ray love as the final piece to this puzzle, but for now we're hoping that the high-def releases become available over cable or satellite. It's possible that local Fox affiliates could pick these up, but that's not likely based on the financial impacts.

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