
Steve Jobs movie poster contest inspires Photoshop artists

Steve Rubel tipped me off to this Photoshop contest/iPod giveaway that was held over at Mike Davidson's blog. The contest appears to be over now but the images that Mike's readers spawned are destined to live on. The theme of the "Mike Industries iPod Creativity Competition of 2005" was to design a movie poster featuring Steve Jobs... "Just feature the man we all know and love in a cinematic role, keep your image exactly 418 pixels wide, and insert your entry inline in the comments of this post." At first glance, it looks like there were more than 200 entries! Some of my favorite entries include Kill Bill, The iLife Aquatic and JAWBS. Check out the associated pictures after the jump...

Check out Mike's blog for many many more of these. If you're inspired to create your own, post a link to it in the comments!

Thanks, Steve!