
Another HD Easter Egg courtesy of Earl

Another one! This is starting to become a regular feature on My Name is Earl. This one comes in the form of a sticky note on the beer tap in the Crab Shack that says "HD Draft" (huge image - slow load times) It happened about 3/4 of the way through the episode when Filo goes to meet Joy at the Crab Shack. It actually was on the screen a few times unlike the last ones that came and went.

Reader Scott M was quick with this one. He sent us a tip while all of us were enjoying The Office. I have to admit that I missed this one; in fact, I have missed all of them. Oh well, I am sure there will be more. Did anyone else notice this one?

Past My Name is Earl Easter Eggs.

  1. HD Rocks

  2. Vote for high def

  3. Blind Recording