
Wireless iPod transceiver coming from Apple and Jabra

Rumors of the iPod going bluetooth have been flying around for at least a year or two now, and it sounds like there is finally some truth to them. Sort of.

While Apple isn't building bluetooth into the iPod itself, iLounge picked up on a Chinese Times report that Apple has green-lighted Jabra to develop a bluetooth wireless iPod attachment. iLounge notes that the attachment will be a transceiver, capable of sending and receiving both music and data between other devices, which I would imagine could include computers, headphones, and bluetooth speakers.

The attachment is slated to go on sale in Q3 of 2006, though no price is set yet. With an attachment like this on the horizon, however, I would imagine Apple doesn't have any plans for the iPod to adopt bluetooth on the inside anytime soon.

[via iLounge]