
New study on gaming needs your help

Brett Lantz needs your help. As a sociologist at the University of Notre Dame, Lantz is currently looking to "learn more about the different types of gamers out there and the impact of the games on how they see themselves." The first part of this endeavor includes an online survey in which we hope you have time to participate.

In Lantz's words, "Your readers may find the survey interesting and perhaps a bit fun. The gamers that have already taken the survey have told me it was a positive experience for them. For what it's worth, I am not making any money off this project. Because little research has been previously conducted in this area, the responses of the gaming community are crucial in shaping future research in this area."

The survey itself is approximately 40 questions in length and took us close to 15 minutes to complete. While you may find the first 20 or so questions pretty generic (how often you play games, what systems you own, etc.), the remainder (specifically, questions 23-27 and 28-36) raise some interesting points. We'd love to discuss the survey in more detail, but we do not want to ruin the surprise for you.