
Molyneux predicted a Revolution ... in '04

During a demonstration of Fable, his then-upcoming RPG, at 2004's DICE conference, Peter Molynuex predicted that game controllers needed a revolution -- so to speak -- to accomodate the shift in game design. He said:

I reckon, and this is a real personal point of view, the greatest innovation in hardware won't come from the next graphics processor, or the next processor, or the next console, or even the next PC. Someone, somewhere will come up with an input device that enables us to do games that we haven't even imagined before ... somewhere, someone is going to come up with a second-generation controller because, I would argue, the controllers we have now were designed to actually move around 2D worlds, and they've been hybrided for 3D worlds, and they're still not good enough, and the number of times you have to go through and re-jig your game because of the controllers.

Sounds like the sagacious Molynuex would have loved to make a title using Nintendo's new controller; although, with last week's announcement that Microsoft finally bought Molyneux's Lionhead Studios, it looks like it ain't gonna happen.

[Thanks, k2switch]