
Poll result: Select a MacBook color

The results are in from our most recent, highly unscientific poll. The question was based on rumors that the forthcoming MacBook would be available in white, black and one other "mystery color." We asked: What color MacBook would you be likely to buy? Here's how you answered:

  1. Black: 42%

  2. White: 17%

  3. Blue: 10%

  4. Green: 9%

  5. Red: 7%

  6. None of the above: 4%

Finally, a full 11% of you thought this was our silliest poll ever. I'm sure we'll top it eventually.

Black was the clear winner, followed by white and then blue. If the color rumor is true, perhaps Apple will go with more subtle tones this time, as opposed to the candy colors of the original iBooks (though I loved Tangerine). Time will tell.