
Rig of the Day: Pizza box

Ah, the pizza box Macs: Flat, broad squares of loveliness. I knew someone who had a Centris 660AV just like this one, which she refused to replace up until only two or three years ago (and its replacement was a 350MHz G3 iMac). Sometimes it's hard to let go.

"old workhorse" posted by glug.

For the month of April, the theme for our Rig of the Day will be "Vintage Macs" in honor of Apple's anniversary. If you'd like to see your own rig featured here, simply upload photos into our group Flickr pool. Let's see your vintage Macs (Apples and Newtons, too)! We'll select an image every day to highlight.

Speaking of flat vintage Macs, does anyone have a nice shot of a TAM out there?