
Weird Revolution Mockup #4: The Tilt 'n Squeeze

We thought it would be good for a laugh to look back at some of the Revolution controller designs that crept onto the Internet back when the system was nothing but a codename, a promise and a cheeky smile on Satoru Iwata's face. These are the Revolutions that weren't...and thankfully so.

Actually, this one isn't nearly as frightening or insane as the last three we've looked at. For one thing, it looks like it could actually fit into your hands without damaging them in some way--always a plus when it comes to controllers. The large black areas on the left and right sides are gigantic grip buttons which respond to being squeezed, an odd innovation that may have your character accidentally jumping off a cliff every time you become frustrated. It's also got battery indication lights, a microphone and...what's this? A gyro sensor? What a crazy idea.
