
Curt Schilling to become EQII villain

Curt Schilling: EQ2 villain

Boston Red Sox ace Curt Schilling is about to go on a murderous rampage! From June 5-7, the 2004 World Series champ will stalk the online world of Norrath to benefit the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. The virtual Schilling will challenge fellow EverQuest II players (careful, the guy takes notes!), and for every opponent who manages to defeat him, Sony will donate $5 to the ALS Association.

Schilling has also been raising funds through his charity, Curt's Pitch for ALS, but sees online gaming as an excellent way to spread awareness of the disease, so log in and join the cause!

The Sox just happen to be playing in New York on those same three days. Slay a few more Yankees for us, will ya Curt?

See also: Curt Schilling loses the mitt for the ole' mouse & keyboard