
Beware: PSP being used by kids to access porn

Apparently kids are getting together at schools and using their PSPs to access pornography "out of thin air." Based on the article, this was what a Minnesota resident by the name of Jeff Harris was doing, which garnished him with a grounding of a month and an in-school suspension. Supposedly, the kid used his PSP to tap into the school's wireless Internet access and then surfed some adult websites, boasting to his friends, no doubt, that his "haxxoring" was "teh l33tn3ss".

Never mind that the school didn't have a WEP Key enabled network or that they're apparently fine with students bringing in distracting electronics period. Still, I guess everyone has a point, it's not like he was using his PSP for normal purposes like running over pedestrians and beating people to death in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.

[Update: Took out the part about the hookers. Slight oversight on my part, I apologize.]

[Via Joystiq]