
Trauma Center: Second Opinion trailer dissected

My hand is gigantic

GameTrailers has recently released a new trailer (in HD!) for the upcoming Trauma Center: Second Opinion for the Wii. A direct sequel to the cult-hit DS game, this iteration will make full use of the Wii controller to produce a realistic "operating room" feel.

In the trailer, we can glean a few tidbits of information. Dr. Derek Stiles and his nurse, Angie, are obviously back for the ride; other characters and locations (Caduceus, Hope Hospital) also seem to remain largely unchanged. The game is now sporting a more cel-shaded look, most likely to prevent antsy players from feeling too uncomfortable during the procedures. The game screen seems to be a bit crowded, as there's no longer a second screen to display dialogue and other statistics, but we have no doubt Atlus is going to produce another top-notch game.

Enjoy the new footage; Trauma Center: Second Opinion is slated as a Wii launch title. Get psyched.

[Thanks, Nushio!]