
'Smart' photo-sharing site releases Mac OS X upload client

Riya is a unique photo-sharing site I remember hearing on Inside the Net (iTMS link) a while ago: it can look at your photos and learn to recognize things like faces and text, essentially bringing that whole Star Trek thing (or 'Minority Report thing', for those wearing tin foil hats) one step closer to the image sharing and tagging experience. It sounds like a great concept, though I haven't played with it much since they haven't offered an upload client for Mac OS X - until now. Macworld is reporting that Riya has indeed released a Mac-friendly client (you need an account for that link to work), removing my only excuse for not signing up yet.

If you've been using the service and/or play with this client, feel free to post your thoughts on the experience, then go let Flickr know they need to make an acquisition so their users don't have to spend so much time tagging photos anymore.