
Gun Showdown Q & A

Gamespot recently sat down with Activision's Chuck Park to discuss the "port plus" version of Neversoft's ill-received Gun. If you're unfamiliar, the game centers around one Colton White, badass cowboy gunslinger who ends up getting dragged into a conflict greater than he would like in the town of Empire. On both sides of the law, Colton learns of a significant Golden Cross.

In addition to 5 new missions and wireless multiplayer, the face buttons have been reworked to allow for aiming with the lack of a second analog stick. The added multiplayer will feature the standard Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, along with an added Last Man Standing and Golden Cross. The Golden Cross multiplayer mode will task the players with gaining control of, and holding on to, the Golden Cross. In all, it seems that Gun Showdown will build on its console cousin with more content and replay value.