
Valve gets all Big Brother with HL2:E1 stats

Valve has been using their episodic superstar, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, to pry into the private lives of gamers everywhere. Hey, 19.05% of gamers who played through HL2:E1 on Easy! Yeah, Valve's got your number, n00b. All that 5 hours to beat it stuff? Bzzzt! Looks like most of us (especially the aforementioned 19.05%) are breezing through it in the 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 hour range. (Note: the "Average completion time" is 5 hours exact due to some stragglers beefing that number up ... c'mon, 10 hours?)

Actually, according to Valve, "Episode 1 ... includes a reporting mechanism which tells us details about how people are playing the game. We're sharing the data we collect because we think people will find it interesting, and because we expect to spot emergent problems earlier, and ultimately build better products and experiences as a result."

Pretty cool stuff that supports one of the foundational tenets of the episodic manifesto: that they're already working on tweaking future episodes based on feedback, both automated and submitted. So, you've already played through Episode 1, what say ye, episodic gamer?

[Update: corrected the percentages; apparently, nearly one out of five Episode One'rs did the deed on Easy while 6.69% played through on Hard -- some didn't even know it! Thanks for the numbers, Jon.]