
Nintendo continues to crush speculative dreams


Nintendo as a company is traditionally tight-lipped when it comes to critical information. Frequently, as they are now, Nintendo fans are left in months-long droughts of any meaningful news. It's painful. It hurts. So what do they do? They speculate. Each has starry-eyed visions of launch day in excrutiating detail: available games, pricing, date, location, what they're going to wear...well, we do, anyway.

Nintendo, however, will have none of it! Earlier, they (partially) debunked a CNN story that predicted an earlier than expected launch window, sticking to their ever-stubborn "Fourth Quarter" guns. And now? They shoot down our otherpossible launch date, stating that the Sports Illustrated for Kids article was purely theoretical. When then, can we expect it? Oh. Fourth quarter. Okay, we saw it coming, but still. Why not let us have our fun?

It appears that Iwata and the gang are dead-set on being the only information providers out there...and we're going to have to wait till September to hear it.