
ScreencastsOnline Demos Flock Beta 1

Flock browser

I've been trying out Flock Beta 1(v 0.7) which, as we told you last month, has been released as a free beta download. First, I've got to tell you that I'm really loving Flock. My favorite features are the built-in blog editor, to which you can drag and drop text snippets from any web site or photos, and the easy-on-the-eyes built-in RSS reader. I also like the developers' approach, which is to try to make the social dimensions of the web (like sharing photos, sharing bookmarks, accessing RSS feeds, blogging, and searching) easier for mere mortals to discover and use.

But back to the point of this post, which is to point you to an excellent movie at ScreenCastsOnline in which Don McAllister demos Flock's features. McAllister does a great job, as usual, of explaining how things work and what they do. I like this screencast and others so much that I sprung for the $25 to become a member of ScreenCastsOnline, so that I could view its extra, members-only content. If you don't have $25 to spare, there's still plenty of good stuff to see for free at ScreenCastsOnline.