
CinemaNow claims 94% of download-to-burn DVDs work

Somehow we had a feeling CinemaNow wouldn't take the news sitting down with regard to the claims espoused by an anonymous engineer who claims their new pseudo-DRMed download-to-burn DVD service is horribly, fatally flawed, and won't play but in any but the most robust standalone DVD boxes. CinemaNow shot back stating that the service has been "well received by our customers and studios alike," (ah, isn't that the trick?) and that tests had the burned DVDs working on "94 percent of DVD players." Which tests and using what DVD players we don't know, but somehow we don't expect to have that data readily divulged. Guess there's only one way to find out though, right? Download a marginally overpriced flick for about ten bucks, get yourself a spindle of DVD-Rs, and go to town. And while you're at it, howsabout letting us know how it worked out for ya by shouting it out in the comments, yeah?