
Google will not compete with iTunes

For a while now, it's been an unspoken assumption that, with the introduction of a video service (that really hasn't gone anywhere), Google might try to step on Apple's toes and take on the iTMS. However, at the NARM (National Association of Recording Merchandisers) conference this year Chris Sacca, head of Google's business development, confirmed exactly the opposite; that the company is not going to take on the 800 pound gorilla that is the iTMS.

Chris then went on to make a call for the existing stores to come together, create a unified format, shake hands and sing kumbaya. A move that other notable folks, such as Cory Doctorow, have been calling for, while others respond with reality-checking prowess.

Ultimately, it's probably a good thing Google isn't trying to move in on the digital music turf. It seems that some of their service offerings, such as Google Video, still need a bit of polish if they're really going to make a splash.

[via Engadget]