
Hold it! That shirt you're wearing is awesome

Sal Manella totally thinks you're 'teh hawt.'

Are we wrong to sometimes wake up in the dark of night, cold sweat gathered upon our brow, screaming out for Phoenix Wright to save us? No, of course not, such an obsession is clearly healthy. So it's only natural we would want to dress ourselves in garb that loudly proclaims that we want you to hold it, because clearly something is contradictory in your statement.

If you're as obsessed as we are, then you're already at the comment screen, furiously typing away to tell us that we already posted about the Hold it! shirt. To that, we present two other shirts, one for the ladies and one for the guys, which boldly proclaim to anyone staring at your chest that you object to such ogling.

We've already ordered about 12 of each style of shirt, but for any of you fine readers out there considering purchasing for the first time or already in ownership of one of the kickass shirts, why not take a picture and send it in? We'll build a perverted shrine post them and perhaps make up a story about your super-hero origins.

Read - Men's Objection! T-shirt
Read - Women's Objection! T-shirt
Read - Men's Hold it! T-shirt

[Thanks BPM Omega!]