
Last Week in Warcraft: August 14th - August 20th

The Burning Crusade
The debuff limit is rising again - this time to 40 debuff slots per creature. Wow!
A very nice compilation of information on the Burning Crusade courtesy of Schwick on the EU realms.
More details on the arena PvP system we'll see in the expansion.

Reports from GenCon.

Breakfast Topics & Discussion

With the power of the Caverns of Time, why aren't we changing history?
Bow is me. Why do vendor arrows stop at level 40?
Has Blizzard filled all the class roles - or is there room for more?
Now that we know what the Draenei and Blood Elf mounts are going to be - what's your favorite?
You must have an opinion on this one - what is the best or worst class to PvP against?
My first epic! What was yours?
What sort of background music accompanies your Azeroth experience?
What do you want to see in the expansion? Any features that will make or break your decision to purchase it?
The downtime kept me away from my weekend plans, but perhaps others managed to get some things accomplished!

An interview with Blizzard designer Tom Chilton on the coming PvP changes.
Despite the fact that the honor system will be completely re-envisioned in the expansion, old school PvPers will be able to keep their titles.
Should Blizzard end twinking for good?


Comic contest honorable mention - the life of an auctioneer.

Blizzard News
Two new US realms arrive with an update on paid character transfers - new realms will now have six transfer-free months rather than three.
Is your Warcraft login information more valuable than your credit card information? It may be.
You have a friend request from C'thun - an update on Blizzard's adventures in MySpace.
Hardware upgrades are on the way for players on European realms.
Voice actor Tony Jay, who did the narration voiceovers for World of Warcraft, passed away this week.

The Week's Maintenance
Emergency database maintenance on several US realms Monday night.
Tuesday maintenance was extended for several US realms in order to perform hardware and ISP maintenance.
Tuesday maintenance was stretched beyond the stated extended maintenance period for many US realms.
Temporary weapon buffs (wizard oils, sharpening stones, etc) were causing a loss of permanent weapon enchants (when the enchant was applied after the temporary buff) - and a rolling restart was needed to fix the problem. And a follow-up on the situation.
There was extended downtime for a set of 20 US realms over the weekend, starting on Friday evening, continuing into Saturday and Sunday.

In this week's GuildWatch - the attack of the ninjas!

Raids & Dungeons
High-end guild Death & Taxes responds to the news of the 25-player dungeon caps in the expansion .

Tips & Tricks

Missing the obvious - and some obvious things not to miss.

Other Items of Interest

World of Whatcraft? Colbertcraft!
Apple - keeping your kids safe from Azeroth, one night elf at a time.
Players from the Zul'jin sever stage a protest at GenCon.
Create your own Warcraft items.
Immortalize your character with custom artwork.
The Synthetic Worlds Initiative ventures into Azeroth.
This week's Phat Loot Phriday introduces the very cool-looking Dragonbreath Hand Cannon.