
IFA 2006: Philips shows off 100-inch Ambilight display

Not too surprising since it was LG.Philips who showed off a 100-inch LCD earlier this year, however Philips took time at IFA to pimp not only their upcoming Blu-ray player but also the updated -- hopefully slightly less dangerous -- Ambilight technology. Just as 1080p has turned into "Full HD", Ambilight on all four sides of the screen is now Full surround, while Ambilight on three sides is merely Ambilight Surround. They'll have TVs featuring both on display throughout the exhibition, including the winner of the recent European Imaging & Sound Association (EISA) High-End LCD TV of the Year. They'll wrap things up with a couple new additions to their line of Viiv PCs, including the MCP9480i with HDMI, Blu-ray playback & recording, and DVB-T capability.