
The old-school gamer's Monopoly board

It seems one classic video game enthusiast has taken his free time and focused his efforts to creating the ultimate Monopoly for the nostalgic gamer. The complete makeover of the entire board is there with games such as Doom and Pong taking their respective places in substitution for the classic city streets. The creator has also transformed the cards, pieces and money that come along with the game.

It's a mighty fine effort and we applaud the dedication needed to make something like this happen. The only things that seem to be lacking in terms of quality to us are the cheapo looking player pieces and house and hotel pieces. Also, spelling "joystick" without a "q" is just plain wrong. Otherwise, bravo.

But we've got to know one thing from Joystiq Nation: Anyone got any beef with the importance of some of the games on the board compared to their price?

[Thanks, Stephen Q. Burwell]