
First 3 My Dream App finalists announced

Out of the 2,761 submitted ideas the final 24 contestants have been picked in My Dream App. Of course we won't find out all the finalists at once, no Phill Ryu is too much of a showman for that. Instead he tempts us with the first three:

  • Herald - an RSS reader (lord knows we need another one of those) that uses the newspaper as a visual metaphor. The twist is that user would be able to share and publish their subscriptions in a variety of ways.

  • Stick-It - think Stickies on steroids. You'll be able to stick notes on applications, windows, anything.

  • Desktop Wars - a real time strategy game that transforms your desktop into a war zone complete with voice, mouse, and motion interaction.

Keep in mind that these are just ideas at the moment, but they might become a reality. Also recall that yours truly is serving on the panel of blogger judges.