
That irksome Mac moment

Now, we all love Apple and our Macs. However, we've all had that one irksome Mac moment during which we wanted to tilt our heads back and shout, "Nooooo!" Vader-style. Mine happened earlier this week, when I realized exactly why the majority of people don't use Macs.

I was at my day job (tech support drone) when I got a call from a coworker making a presentation at a remote location. He was having trouble with the "Powerpoint box" (according to my IT Decoder Ring, this means "projector") because it was "...for PCs, not Macs. In fact, they're all PC here, so I can't use my iBook for my presentation!" I assured him that the Powerpoint box would in fact work with his iBook, once I drove over there and delivered a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter.

So I did, and everything was fine by the time I left. However, I saw a room full of maybe 35 people have their suspicions confirmed by the whole ordeal: "Macs don't work with anything." There was the presenter, going on and on about how he had to nix his slideshow because his Mac couldn't work with their system. Never mind that I showed up and proved him wrong, for I was the "computer guy," and I know how to beat those useless Macs into submission. No mere mortal could possibly have set that up.

So, TUAWers, what was your irksome Mac moment? We all have one. Do share.