
Cingular to Ogo: time to say goodnight

Well, you had a good run, Ogo; you really did. Okay, that's not even remotely true -- you had a lackluster launch on AT&T Wireless before the Cingular takeover cut you down in your prime -- but we digress. For those that may not recall, the Ogo is a QWERTY-sporting device that lacks voice capability (at least in AT&T Wireless' configuration), relegating it largely to IM and email duty. Cingular's finally pulling the plug on its remaining customers of the odd little clamshell next month, offering a $75 service credit in its stead. Of course, with the Ogo recently making strides in Uruguay and elsewhere, it's far from dead, but using one in the US of A just got a little harder. [Warning: PDF link]