
Will we see iTunes 7 tomorrow?

The rumors are swirling, as they always do before his Steveness mounts a stage. Tomorrow, in case you aren't completely Apple obsessed, Apple is hosting a special event titled "Showtime" in San Francisco. The media has been invited, the rumormills are churning, and the Apple faithful are in a tizzy.

We've heard a lot about movies in iTunes, and other rumors, but one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the possibility of iTunes 7. Apple launched iTunes 6 almost 11 months ago to the day of this event. Remember what the big feature of iTunes 6 was? That's right, TV shows in the iTunes Music Store.

If I were a betting man I would put money on iTunes 7 making a debut tomorrow. Please note that I have no insider information, I'm just looking at the available facts and building a theory.

So, if this does come to pass what features would you like to see in iTunes 7? I, personally, don't need any whizbang features, I would just like video playback to be improved.