
Pro gamer salaries on the rise

Want to make big bucks as a professional gamer? Living overseas is probably your best bet for now. But Wired News reports that television deals and increased interest from U.S. sponsors mean salaries for America's top gamers could hit the stratosphere before long. This is in stark contrast to a similar Wired article from three years ago which detailed how even the best of the best pro gamers were barely getting by.

Today, more than a dozen U.S. gamers make upwards of $70K per year, according to the article, and a few have taken home six-figure purses in big tournaments. That's nothing compared to the costs for sponsors such as NVidia, though, who shell out money "likely in the eight-figure range" to sponsor the likes of Team3[D].

Nice work if you can get it, but remember that the top pros often practice for upwards of 40 hours a week to keep their skills honed. So unless you're planning on quiting your day job, you aren't likely to be the next Jonathan Wendel anytime soon.