
National Geographic committed to high-def

TV Week had the opportunity to talk shop with National Geographic's executive VP of programming John Ford. Mr. Ford was the one responsible for all the high-def programming on Discover HD Theater and now he is trying to do the same for National Geographic HD. Currently the majority of their viewers come via Dish Network and only reach in the mid hundreds of thousands, but that hasn't stopped the station from their commitment to 100% HD footage. The whole interview is mainly standard stock with the exception of some large distribution partner that has yet to be announced but is set to launch at the end of September. Large you say, hmm, couldn't be DIRECTV as they can't handle the HD stations they already have and Dish Network already has the channel, so would it be safe to say Comcast, being the other large provider, might start broadcasting National Geographic HD within the coming weeks? Only time, and insiders, will tell but we will take all the new HDTV stations we can get.

[via Home Theater Blog]