
Pentax X-Change interchangeable lens concept

DSLRs get all the photog credit, what with those snazzy interchangeable lenses and decent image quality, but point and shooters get most of the work done for most consumers, thanks the the size and convenience of a tiny, easy to use camera. Well, nothing much going on for the "decent image quality" angle of things, but at Photokina, Pentax is showing off a "X-Change Point & Shoot" concept that demos an interchangeable lens system for a compact cam. The miniscule camera body has a pop-up flash, and can accept a variety of lenses. Interestingly, the CCD is built into each lens, allowing for different focal lengths, protection from dust, and what we suppose would be some hefty prices. Unfortunately, it looks like Pentax has been kicking this idea around since 2002, so we're not going to get our hopes up too much for an imminent release. Pentax has plenty of other interesting (and old) concepts they're showing off at Pk, so be sure to peep the read link to catch the rest.

[Via OhGizmo!]