
Chili Con Carnage is a refried port?

When I first looked at Eidos' press release for their new PSP game Chili Con Carnage, I thought to myself "cool, a new exclusive PSP action game." However, Gamespot checked the developer's track record, and I angrily shouted a four letter word: PORT! It may be an original game, but the game shares too many similarities with Deadline Games' Total Overdose. They both feature the same gameplay, same character and the same story. Both games feature the same "Spicy Moves" (pictured). So, why did Eidos decide to call this game Chili Con Carnage instead of Total Overdose? I think they know that PSP fans are sick of ports, so by cleverly retitling the game, they're trying to pull a fast one on us. While questionably juvenile sites might be fooled, it won't work on the superior PSP Fanboys, right? If you're going to give us a port, might as well make sure it's one of a good game, instead of Total Overdose, which only scored a 71 from Metacritic.