
New Killzone screens show off multi-player features

New Killzone screens show off multi-player features

Those nice chaps at Games Radar have just posted some mouth-wateringly new Killzone: Liberation screens that show off the game's multi-player and the single-player squad-command system.

In case you didn't know, Killzone will feature six-player Ad-Hoc multiplayer modes including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Assault and Capture the Flag, in addition to a complete two-player co-op mode.

There is infrastructure support in the works, but it won't be available with the game when it ships on Halloween.

The squad-command system is pretty interesting. "Hit the command button and the fighting slows to a crawl, giving you time to pick out specific targets or positions for your squad without pausing the danger around you, keeping the battles tactical but tense," according to Games Radar.