
Joystiq at Sonic's 15th birthday party

The blue dude with an attitude turned fifteen years old yesterday and he celebrated at NYC's DigitalLife show. Fans and confused onlookers watched as Sonic was presented a ridiculously large birthday cake by psuedo-celebrity Lacey Chabert. Hungry attendees of the show (myself included) scarfed down the cake, and laughed at the man inside the Sonic suit, knowing it was impossible for him to blow out the candles on his cake, let alone eat it. Sonic, the cake was delicious.

When questioned about how it felt to be 15, Sonic responded, "It's strange. I'm growing hair in places I've never had hair before." He then sped away and, like in his upcoming Xbox 360 game, my camera was unable to follow him. Read on to see more pictures, and video from the celebration.

Fifteen years of Sonic. Nowadays, he's a punk riding around with thugs like Shadow. I hope you clean up your act! College is only a few years away!

Size comparison: this cake is almost as large as the upper torso of this man. However, the upper torso of this man is only 1/4 the size of a PlayStation 3 (not pictured).

Girls that play video games?! The PMS Clan was also on hand to help out with the ceremonies.

This part of the cake was non-edible. I found out the hard way.

YUM! Happy birthday, Sonic.