
More Smallville HD DVD details

The first network TV series to see release on HD DVD or Blu-ray, Smallville just gave us a few more reasons to eagerly anticipate the release of the season 5 boxed set. There will be an HDi interactive feature for the season premiere episode "Arrival" -- we suppose Warner can't call it IME seeing as its not a movie, but we're sure they'll come up with something -- and all episodes will be encoded in 1080p, with Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtracks. All this HD goodness comes at a price, $79.98 to be exact; a $20 bump over the standard DVD edition when it hits February 6, 2007. Despite the premium price, after watching a series in HD, going back to DVD quality later isn't our preferred option.

Update: VideoBusiness is reporting that the 5-disc set will be available November 28, 2006. Sooner = better. (Confirmed.)

[Thanks, TJ]