
PA disses Tiger's matchmaking skills

Today, Tycho at Penny Arcade briefly goes over the unnecessarily complicated matchmaking process in Tiger Woods 07. The steps include:

"1. Consent To Be Invited

In any other Goddamn Live game, you're done. In Tiger, one must then

2. Endorse The Invitation
3. Yield Wholly To The Concept Of Inviting
4. Surrender To The Invitation Beam.

And then, finally,

5. Lift Your Voice In Supplication To Raoul Invitatio, 'He Who Maketh The Match'"

Most of our readers probably know that EA maintains its own servers. This was required by them years ago before they would allow their games on Xbox Live. Why do they need their own servers? It makes it easier to spy on you of course. Personally, I don't deal with EA's matchmaking very often, as I don't really own any of their games -- and probably won't until Burnout 5, or possibly Army of Two. So, X360F asks you, is matchmaking in Tiger really that bad?