
Schilling just a rookie in games industry

Curt Schilling

Curt Schilling has turned his addiction into a business, founding his own game company, aptly dubbed Green Monster Games. Schill recently spoke about his aspirations at an MIT game forum, boasting that his studio's MMO is going to "blow the industry away."

Schilling backs big words with an employee-friendly business model that has already attracted the likes of Spawn-creator Todd McFarlane and science fiction author R.A. Salvatore. But to shake up the industry, Schill will have to do better than a comic book dude and novel scribe, meaning -- if he can't secure the right investors -- Schilling's gonna end up dipping into his, presumably, healthy savings account.

As other panelists at the MIT forum where quick to point out, MMOs are the most costly games to develop, market for, and maintain, with the industry average falling around the $20 million mark. Sounds like Schill's gonna have to toss the ole' baseball around a few more years to support this habit.

[Thanks, Sam]