
iPod lawsuit ends, America bitterly disappointed

Stephanie Eick. Shannon Derrick. They may not be household names but these girls and their families represent the heart of what it means to be litigious in the age of iPod consumerism. You know the story, don't you? Last June, both girls were eighth grade middle-schoolers. Shannon lent Stephanie her iPod. Stephanie says she returned it to Shannon's purse but Shannon said Stephanie left it out on her desk. The iPod went missing and lawsuits ensued. Shannon's family sued Stephanie's family. And then Stephanie's family counter-sued. And then they were going to go on Judge Judy. And then they backed out. And then...

Well, now they've settled. Yesterday, Stephanie handed over her personal white 30G video iPod to Shannon, which she received as a present last Christmas. According to the Naperville Sun, Shannon's mother Melanie McCarthy considered the used video iPod "an insult". Apparently the back and screen were scratched and worn compared to Shannon's new Nano. The iPod will be sold on eBay (search for Derrick iPod -- the listing should go live over the next few days) and the proceeds will go to a junior CrimeStoppers program.

Both girls are reportedly hoping for new iPods for Christmas.