
WRU Playing: Obvious edition [update 1]

We almost forgot it's Friday, and that can mean only one thing. That's right, it's time for another exciting edition of What Are You Playing! Of course, this may be the first week that I can guess what most of you are playing. Let's see, using only the powers of my mind, I'm going to guess you're playing Gears of War this weekend. Was I right? Was I close?

All kidding aside, it might be more relevant to ask what people are playing besidesGears of War -- especially our European friends who have to wait another week for the game. So, are you rocking anything else? Any Project 8 or maybe a few achievement runs in Contra? For that matter, who picked up Viva Piñata? Leave a comment and tell us what you're playing this weekend. Don't forget to stop by one of our leaderboards for some friendly competition or co-op, too. Also, we've got a new feature for WRUP: What Were You Playing. Simply click the link below and you can browse our What Are You Playing archive. Go dig up your old comments and you'll always know what you were playing. Reminisce about your gaming past, courtesy of 360 Fanboy.

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Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. II

What Were You Playing

Update: Fixed the What Were You Playing link.