
Female Spartan in Halo 3? Could be ...

Upon further inspection, we've unearthed another Halo 3 tidbit from Friday's weekly update. Bungie is considering (considering, mind you) adding a female voice option for Spartans in Halo 3 multiplayer. Apparently, a considerable portion of the Halo 2 player base is comprised of women. It's also apparent (at least to me) that none of these women live within a hundred miles of Fanboy Towers (not that it matters, I'm happily married thankyouverymuch). Bungie assures us that the voice will not be comical or stereotypical, but rather a strong female voice to make the Chief proud. Of course, this raises a few issues. What about female Covenant? Are there female Covenant? On second thought, maybe we don't want to know.

Are you a female Halo fanatic jonesing for a gender appropriate voice in your games? If so, Bungie invites you to say so in their forums, make petitions on your own sites, or you could always comment here.