
PlayStation 3 = 4,000 yuan (plus airfare)

...surprising Sony's Ken Kutaragi = priceless. Even though the PC is the preferred gaming platform in China, there are still a few Chinese gamers willing to go the extra mile to obtain a shiny new console. Or an extra thousand miles in the case of this adventurous young man and his pursuit of a PlayStation 3. The gung ho gamer somehow managed to circumvent the mob of Japanese fanboys and ended up being first in line at a BIC Camera store on launch day. The reward for his efforts was a hand-off from Kutaragi-san himself. Does this remind anyone else of the Grinch carving and distributing the Who roast beast?

While this event is unlikely to ease historical tensions between the two Asian nations, it is reminiscent of a similar scene during the PlayStation Portable launch. On a flight from Narita to Shanghai in January of last year, I sat next to two Chinese teenagers who were on the return leg of a one-day trip to Tokyo. The reason for their visit? To snag a pair of new PSPs that had launched just a few weeks earlier. They played them the entire flight and didn't look up once.

[Thanks, DarkMirage]