
What are you playing: Old School edition

This is an interesting week. We are fast approaching the hectic holiday season, the PS3 finally launched today, and the Halo 3hype train is at full steam. I was a little disappointed that my wild speculation about Bungie's Marathon coming to Arcade was wrong, so I decided to download it for PC. It is free, after all. It takes a tiny extra step to make it run on PC (it was originally a Mac title) but it's worth it for a piece of Halo history (does that hand in the screenshot look familiar?). If you're having trouble installing, go here.

Back on 360, of course there is Gears, I'm still collecting gold bricks in Lego Star Wars II, and chasing after the "Bulletproof" Achievement in Contra. Frankly, winning with one credit is hard, but I won't be satisfied until I can do it in one life. How 'bout the rest of you? What are you playing this weekend? Hit me up if you want to play some Gears or the Vegasdemo. (Any 360 fanboys brave enough to admit they're hoping to play Resistance?)

Leaderboards (time for Mk. III?):
Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard
Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. II

What were you playing (WRUP archive)