
eBay hypes up game system auctions

Visitors to the eBay home page today were greeted with a bevy of quick links to auctions for next generation video game systems. EBay's list of the ten most popular items lists the Sony Playstation 3 at No. 1 with nearly 15,000 active auctions and the Xbox 360 at No. 5 with 1250 auctions. The PS3 also tops eBay's list of Top Tech Toys and ranks No. 2 on the gifts for kids list. The Wii doesn't make any of the lists, but is featured as eBay's promotional "it of the day," a position that had featured the PS3 as recently as last week.

Interestingly, Atari systems rank No. 2 on the classic eBay list, proving that not everyone needs the latest and greatest this holiday season.